I know it may seem like marketing at this point is not necessary but it really is. More people than ever are experiencing things that they never thought they would. So many emotions are flooding people's minds right now and maybe for the first time they have come to the conclusion that they need someone to talk to about it. More people are also online looking for encouragement. So now is not the time to stop marketing and go quiet, it is the time to have your marketing game on point. It is time to step up and do more marketing than you have ever done before. Be a source of knowledge. Offer free tips. Create inspiring graphics. Create a Facebook group. Get people to open up about how they are feeling. Offer your telehealth services and continue to provide support to the community.
To help you continue marketing I have created some graphics that you are more than welcome to edit and share. I have also attached a video on how to edit the graphics in Canva. If you do not have Canva you can try Canva for free.