2020 can be a successful year for your private practice! With a new year may also come changes. Take the opportunity to evaluate your private practice and make a positive change. It may be something that you have been meaning to do for a while now but haven't had the chance to. Here are a few things to think about coming into the new year.

Analyze your rates- The new year is the best time to analyze your rates. Look at 2019's books and see if your current rate is profitable. This is also a great time to raise the rate for any new clients that don't know your rates to begin with.
Look over your cancellation policy- Look back at 2019, how many cancellations did you have? If you didn't have many than your cancellation policy is effective. If you had way too many cancellations to even begin to count then you may want to change your cancellation policy. If you notice the same people cancel their appointments just in time move the cancellation time up. Instead of it being 24 hours make it 48 hours. Also, a good thing to have is a limit on how many cancellations you can have. For instance, if they cancel 3 appointments they will be charged a cancellation even if they cancel in the right amount of time. Or if they cancel 3 times in a row they will be removed from the schedule. Don't feel like you are being harsh. Clients need to learn responsibility, sometimes they need a little nudge to help them along.
Self-Care- If you didn't indulge in self-care in 2019, make sure you work self-care into 2020. I know it may sound silly but the best way to make sure you have time for self-care is to schedule it in. If it isn't on the schedule it probably won't happen. So put your self down in your schedule and treat yourself.
Look at your potential for growth- Sometimes this is something that can be dreadful. You may know already that hiring another clinician is necessary but you are dreading the process of making it happen. Take it slow but make it a priority. If your practice has the potential to grow it may not be such a dreadful task after all.
Grow your practice in a unique way- You don't need a full caseload to grow your private practice. You can always offer an online workshop. Most material made for a workshop is reusable so you will be able to recycle the workshop over and over again. You can also try blogging and offering affiliate links. When people use your affiliate link to purchase what you are blogging about you will then receive a percentage. Staying in line with your specialty on both of these ideas will help your private practice flourish.
Know when to ask for help- It can be overwhelming having your own private practice. The key to being successful is knowing when to ask for help. A great way to receive help is by hiring a virtual assistant. Having a VA is a great way to get ahead on all things private practice. You can also grow your private practice by having a VA work on the things you don't have the time for. This will allow you to indulge in self-care, create more income, (workshop) evaluate your pp so that you can see your potential for growth and so much more.