I grew up with a mother with a mental illness. It was hard as a child to understand why my mom decided to sleep all day instead of care for me. It was hard to understand why one day she would wake up happy to be my mother and the next day hated the sight of me. As a therapist, you may know exactly what my mom was dealing with, but as a child, I had no idea. One day my mom was sent off to a mental institute. I didn't understand why my mom wanted to leave me. A friend gave me a book. This book explained what my mom was going through and how I may feel about it. After reading this book over and over again I finally had all of the answers I needed. This book made me come to the realization that my mom did love me and she could not help that she had a mental illness. It made me see that she didn't leave me, but that she went to get better. If this list that I put together can help just one person understand someone's mental illness than this is the most important blog post I have ever written. I will constantly add to this list as I discover new book recommendations. I also encourage you to help me build this list and let me know if you have a recommendation that you think should be added to this list.